
Episode 2

The new episode is available here . In this episode you get to know how to say hello and bye in polish. You will hear a short dialog of two people who meet in the street and see how they communicate with each other.

Exercise for episode 1

Hello everyone! I'm prepering the second episode and it should be available soon but meanwile I decided to add one exercise for you. If you had listened to the first episode you shouldn't have a problem with it. Try to translate this sentences into polish: 1) Hello! 2) What's your name? 3) My name's Natalia. 4) Where do you live? 5) I live in Poland. 6) I love foreign languages. 7) Write me. 8) My e-mail address is . Here you can find answers.

Transcript for the first episode is already ready!

Hello everyone! Finally I got down to write a transcript for the first episode. I know it's nothing special in it but it is quite time consuming...But now it's ready so enjoy it and I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon! The list of available transcripts you can find  here. Episode 1 - Introduction Hello and welcome to Polski dla każdego / Polish and Natalia Podcast – the podcast wich help you to learn Polish language. This is Natalia and this is the first episode and my very first podcast. I holpe you will like it. I had doubts whether to do it only in Polish or as a mixture of English and Polish. I chose the second option because I would like to start with a very basical things. If you are a very beginner it would be difficult to you to understand only Polish.Then after a couple of episodes I'm going to speak polish as much as possible. So since is the first episode it is necessary to introduce myself to let you know me at least a little and t...

The first episode has alredy been done!

Hello, Finally I have finished the first episode! I have already uploaded it. So if you are a learner of Polish, you are more than welcome to check it! It's been my a very first podcast so I'm very courios how do you like it? Isn't a little too long? Maybe you have some suggestions or questions about it? Let me know them! I'm looking to hearing from you soon!   Here is the podcast: The list of episodes will be in the section:  Episodes + Transcripts Now I'm preparing a transcript for this episode. It will be posted very soon. Thanks that you will be able to check the polish spelling of sentences which apeared in this episode or if you didn't get sth. For today that's it! Have a nice day / evening (In Poland is evening now)! Bye!


Hello everyone! My name is Natalia. I'm a Polish girl who live in Poland, in Poznań. I'm fond of learning foreign languages. In this podcast and blog I want you to get interested in Polish language. Isn't great when you are able to communicate with a foreign person in their language? What's more, learning a language is a great adventage. You get to know a new view of world, you learn about the new culture and how other people live there. You get into the country and it's people, as well. Finally, you meet other people who, just like you, want to learn this language.  I have studied linguistics and had an opportunity to learn some languages. I'm in love with two: English and Spanish. I'm supposed to use them in everyday conversation without a problem. But learning a language is a never ending process. Even if you feel you have a very good knowledge of language, there are still unknown things to discover and to explore. Basically, it's really...